4. Consider your options when you get the decision
Question & Answer
What happens after I start a claim with the Ministry of Labour?The Ministry of Labour will send you the Employment Standards Officer’s (ESO’s) decision on your claim.
If you win
The ESO can order your employer to:
- pay you the that they owe you
- follow the rules in the
- give you back your job, but this rarely happens
- pay you money for costs you had because of what your employer did
Costs can include money for expenses you had because you were looking for a job.
If the ESO makes an “Order to Pay”, your employer is supposed to pay you within 30 days. If they don’t, it’s up to the Ministry to make them pay. The Ministry uses a collection agency to try and get employers to pay.
If you lose
If the ESO rejects your claim, or does not order everything you asked for, you can ask the Ontario Labour Relations Board to review the decision. You must do this within 30 days of getting the ESO’s decision.