What is my employer supposed to do after I report a work injury?

When your employer finds out about your injury, they must file the Employer’s Report of Injury/Disease (Form 7) with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). They have to do this within 3 business days of learning about your accident or injury.

To file a form or document means giving it to the WSIB and following the rules about how to do this.

Your employer must also give you a copy of the Form 7.

Why the Form 7 is important

The information that your employer puts on the Form 7 is important because it affects the amount of money you might get in benefits.

It can also give you an idea of whether or not your employer agrees that you have suffered an injury at work.

If your employer does not fill out a Form 7, you can still file your claim using a Form 6. The WSIB will make sure that your employer fills out and files the Form 7.

When you get a copy of the Form 7, you need to review it carefully.

If your employer investigates your injury

Your employer may look into what happened and write a report about it for their files. This report is not a Form 7.  

Ask to see the report and review it to make sure that it’s correct.

Other things your employer is supposed to do

If you have to be off work because of your injury, there are things that your employer has to do to make sure you lose as little income as possible. See Step 3.

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