2. Start preparing to move
Question & Answer
What happens if there’s an eviction order and I don’t move?If you can’t stop the eviction , or you decide not to try, you should plan to move out by the date in the order. The can enforce the eviction order at any time after that date and your locks can be changed very quickly.
If you need help finding a new place, you can try calling your local housing help centre. You can find information on housing help in Ontario on the 211Ontario.ca website.
If you don’t have another place to move yet, make arrangements to store your stuff as soon as possible. You might get information about reasonably-priced storage places by calling a helpline. Or, if you’re on Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program benefits, ask your worker.
If the Sheriff locks you out, you only have 72 hours after the lockout to make arrangements to get your stuff. Even if the eviction happens just before the weekend, you still have only 72 hours. So it’s best to move your stuff out before this happens.
You could also ask your family, friends, or a community agency for help. If you belong to a religious group, try talking to your faith leader to see if your religious community can help you.