What happens to my stuff if I’m evicted?

In most situations, it is against the law for your landlord to take your things.

But if you leave things behind when you move, your landlord can sell them, keep them, or throw them away. This is true when you move out because of an from your landlord or an eviction from the .

The rules are different if you move because you have been evicted by the .

If you move after getting an eviction notice

You might decide to move out after your landlord gives you an eviction notice. Or you might move at any time during the eviction process, for example, after getting an eviction order from the Landlord and Tenant Board. If you move out, your landlord can keep, sell, or throw out anything you leave behind.

Your landlord can do this the day after you move out, or the day after the in the notice, whichever is later.

So do not leave anything behind, even for an extra day.

If you are evicted by the Sheriff

If your landlord got an eviction order from the Landlord and Tenant Board, your landlord can get a court official called the Sheriff to physically evict you from your place.

If you are evicted by the Sheriff, you have 72 hours (3 full days) to take your belongings. During those 72 hours, your landlord must keep your things in or near your place and must let you get them any time between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

If you think you will need extra time to move all your things out, try to get your landlord to agree to some other arrangement, and get that agreement in writing.

There are different rules if you leave behind a mobile home.

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