Make a complaint

You can complain about a or counsellor to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

You can also make a complaint if the company used . These include:

  • pressuring you to use their services
  • threatening you if you do not use their services
  • giving you false or incomplete information about their services

The Ministry has a complaint form that you can fill out and email. You can also print and mail or fax it to the Ministry at this address:

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Consumer Protection Branch
Box 450
1201 Wilson Ave Building A
North York ON
M3M 1J8
Fax: 416-326-8665

The Ministry can order the credit reporting company to cancel your contract or give your money back. The Ministry can also fine the company or stop it from doing business. If needed, the Ministry may suggest that you go to to sue the company.

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