4. File your documents with the court
Question & Answer
How do I stop a claim I filed using the Small Claims online service?After you the , you must file a printed copy of the Notice and the Affidavit of Service with the court.
Or, you can file your Affidavit of Service online. To do this:
- Log in to your ONe-key account.
- Click Next steps. Step 2 – Serve defendants will be highlighted at the top of the page.
- Click Upload and file affidavit.
- Click the box beside the name of the defendant you served.
- Upload the scanned copy of the Affidavit of Service. Also upload any supporting documents like receipts from or couriers.
- Enter the date the defendant was served. Confirm that their contact information is correct. Click Review information before submitting.
- Check that all of the details are right, and then click Submit.
Once you file your documents, the case you started is cancelled.