2. Decide if there are special or extraordinary expenses
Question & Answer
How much child support must be paid?Some expenses are not covered in the basic monthly amount of . These are called and can include:
- extracurricular activities such as competitive sports classes
- child care expenses to allow the parent who looks after the child to go to work or school so they can get a job
- medical and dental insurance premiums
- health expenses such as prescriptions and eyeglasses
- educational expenses, including post-secondary education or private school fees
If you’re the parent claiming these expenses, you have to show that they are reasonable given your family’s financial circumstances. This means you and your partner can afford it.
You must also show that they are necessary because they are in the . The court looks to see if these expenses were part of the family’s spending pattern before separation. For example, was your child enrolled in private school and did they go to summer camp every year before separation.
Even if the expense was not part of your spending pattern before separation, the court can still decide it is in your child’s best interests, if you and your partner can afford it.
In most cases, both parents contribute to special expenses based on how much they make. So, if both you and your partner make roughly the same amount of money, you split the cost of special expenses equally.
If your child is over the age of majority, which means 18 years old or older, and still a dependent, they may also have to contribute to their special expenses. If a child makes a contribution, it is deducted before the expense is divided between the parents.