1. Learn about the types of warrants
Question & Answer
What happens if I don’t follow my bail conditions?There are different types of warrants that can be issued if you don’t follow your conditions. All of the warrants give police the power to you.
Arrest warrant
An gives police the power to arrest the person named in the so that person can be brought to court.
The arrest warrant will include:
- your name
- what you’re accused of having done
- an order to arrest you
- the signature or name of the judge or justice of the peace who ordered the warrant
If a police officer has to believe you committed a crime, including with bail conditions they can swear a court document called . This is a sworn document which will identify the you’re accused of committing. It is given to a judge or justice of the peace to review.
The judge or justice of the peace decides whether to issue an arrest warrant or an .
Bench warrant
A is issued by a judge or justice of the peace to arrest a person who failed to go to court for a court date, , or .
Surety warrant
If the person who promised to supervise you during your release doesn’t want to be your anymore, that person can go to court and apply to be removed as your surety. The application must be in writing.
Your surety can bring you with them when they go to court. If they do and they are removed as your surety, you will be taken into . If you don’t go with your surety to court and turn yourself in after your surety is relieved from their duties, a will be issued for your arrest.
If a surety warrant is issued, you will be by the police and placed back into custody.
If they want to, the person who was initially your surety can offer to be your surety again, even after they have taken themselves off your bail. However it will be up to a judge or justice of the peace to approve them. If the first surety doesn’t want to come forward a second time, someone else can also offer to be your new surety.