Police want to enter my home or business. What are my rights?

Your rights depend on the situation.

Your driveway

If the police have a reasonable suspicion that an driver is parked in your driveway, they can come onto your driveway to investigate. Unless you ask them not to, they can also come onto your driveway to protect your property from being damaged or stolen.

Your front door

Any person, including a police officer, is allowed to come to your front door and ask to talk to you. The police can come to your front door because they’re responding to a request for assistance. They can also come to your front door simply to get information. But they aren’t allowed to come to your door to look into your home or business for of a crime.

Your home or business

The police have the power to enter your home or business if:

  • you or someone else in charge of the property has given them permission
  • they have a to someone in your home or business
  • they have a warrant to search your home or business
  • there are urgent circumstances

When you can refuse

If none of these situations apply, you don’t have to allow the police to enter your home or business. You don’t have to answer the door when the police knock. If you don’t want to talk to the police, you don’t have to. If you don’t want the police to enter your home or business, tell them. 

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