4. Go to your mediation

Most mediations take about 4 hours. Be well prepared to use your time effectively.

You can ask for a break at any time during the mediation.

To start the , the Tribunal member in charge explains the mediation process. You can ask questions.

You and the Respondent may be in the same room or in separate rooms. If you’re not comfortable being in the same room with the Respondent, you should tell the Human Rights Tribunal of ONtario (HRTO) in advance. If you didn’t do that, then you can ask the member at the mediation to put you in separate rooms. This is very common.

The goes back and forth between both rooms. They try to explain your story to the other side, and they try to explain the other side’s story to you. They try to help both sides figure out the best way to resolve your issue. They may encourage both sides to compromise in order to reach a settlement.

Language and accessibility

If you need an interpreter or a particular , contact the HRTO’s Registrar’s Office in advance to let them know.


Everything that is said at your mediation is private and confidential. If your case goes to a hearing, the things said during mediation can’t be used as evidence in the hearing.

The Tribunal member in charge of your mediation cannot tell anyone else what was said during your mediation. They also won’t be in charge of your hearing.

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