3. Check if your landlord has applied for a larger increase
Question & Answer
How much can my rent go up?If you are covered by the guideline, and the landlord wants to increase your rent by more than the guideline, then the landlord must apply to the .
The Notice of Rent Increase should be on a Form N1. The form must tell you that:
- the landlord has applied for approval, or
- the Board has already approved the increase.
If the landlord has applied, you should receive a separate about this. You and other affected tenants have the right to oppose your landlord’s .
The Board can allow an AGI for only the following reasons:
- the cost of security services,
- certain kinds of capital expenses
- unusually high increases in property taxes (AGIs based on this are not allowed during 2021)
Capital expenses are major repairs, renovations, replacements, or additions that:
- will last at least 5 years, and
- are not part of normal ongoing maintenance.
If the Board has already approved the increase, you should have received:
- notice about the landlord’s application, and
- a copy of the Board’s saying how much your rent can increase.
If you didn’t get a notice about your landlord’s application to the Board, contact the Board to ask if your landlord has applied.