5. Get a decision

Once you apply for the Canada child benefit (CCB), you have to wait for the (CRA) to contact you.

Giving the CRA more information

If you didn’t put all of the information that you needed to in your application, the CRA may ask you for this information. And then you’ll have to wait longer for the CRA to decide if you can get the CCB.

Even if you filled out your application correctly, the CRA may still ask you for more information. For example, they may ask you for:

  • proof of your status in Canada
  • proof that you’re the
  • other information they need to figure out the amount you’ll get

Proving that you’re “primarily responsible” for your child

Proof that you’re the primarily responsible parent can include:

  • a letter from a daycare or school with your child’s home address and contact information
  • a letter from a professional person, like a lawyer or social worker, that says your child lives with you
  • a registration form or receipt from an activity you’ve enrolled your child in
  • a court order, decree, or separation agreement showing you have custody of the child

You don’t have to include these documents with your application. The CRA will tell you if they need them.

Getting a decision from the CRA

Within 80 days of when you apply, the CRA sends you a notice that tells you:

  • if you’re eligible to get the CCB
  • how much CCB money you’ll get
  • how they decided on the amount

Keep the notice in a safe place. You may need the information that’s in the notice if you have to talk to the CRA in the future.

And when you’re dealing with other government departments, you may have to give them some of the information that’s in the notice.

Appealing the CRA’s decision

If you don’t agree with the decision that the CRA, there are steps you can take to appeal.

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