3. Learn about the death benefit

The also provides a death benefit when a CPP contributor dies.

The CPP pays this all at once. In 2019, the payment amount was $2,500.

There are 2 ways that someone who died can be eligible for the death benefit. The first way is that they made for 10 calendar years.

The second way is that they made contributions for at least 1/3 of the calendar years during the overall period when they contributed to the CPP. But this cannot be less than 3 years. For example, someone may have contributed on and off over a period of 24 years. To be eligible, they’d have to have made contributions for at least 8 of those years. That’s because 1/3 of 24 years is 8 years.

A calendar year goes from January to December.

If the person lived in a country that has a social security agreement with Canada, the contributions they made in that country may help them meet the requirements listed earlier.

Applying for the death benefit

You must apply to get the death benefit.

If the person died with a will

If the person had a will or estate plan, the executor or an estate administrator appointed by the court, should apply within 60 days of the person’s death.

If the person died without a will

If the person did not have a will or estate plan or if the executor has not applied, the following people can apply in the order listed below:

  1. whoever is paying for the funeral expenses
  2. the surviving spouse or
  3. the next of kin
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