2. Gather the information you need

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released their latest take on mandatory vaccines, passports and testing, here: http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/ohrc-policy-statement-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-and-proof-vaccine-certificates. In light of this update, and the new directives that the Province released a few weeks ago, we are in the process of updating our covid testing content. Please re-visit the site to access the updated content when it is available.

You have to give information about yourself and anyone else in your household, such as:

  • name and date of birth
  • immigration status

You also have to give:

  • your address
  • your housing costs and what type of housing you live in, for example, whether you live in a place that you rent or own
  • information about other costs, for example, child care or costs that are related to a disability

Documents to prove the information

When you meet with an Ontario Works (OW) worker to complete your application, you need to bring documents to prove the information you give them is correct.

Make sure to keep copies of any documents that you give to the OW worker. You can ask the worker to give you a list to prove what documents you gave them. You can also ask the worker to make copies of any documents that you bring to the appointment.

The types of documents OW can ask for are listed below.

Personal identification documents

This includes:

  • birth certificates or passports
  • health cards
  • Indian status cards
  • immigration documents

Legal documents

This includes:

  • separation or divorce papers
  • custody documents
  • support orders

Proof of income and assets

This includes:

  • bank statements or bank records
  • proof of income from any source, including employment, support payments, workers’ compensation, Employment Insurance, and payments from tenants, roomers, and boarders
  • the notice of assessment that you get from the after you send in your income tax return
  • information about assets, including registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) statements, car ownership papers, life insurance policies, and bonds

Proof of work and education

This includes:

  • pay stubs, Record of Employment, letter of termination
  • documents that prove you or someone in your household is going to school

Proof of debts

This includes:

  • credit card bills or cash advances from your credit card
  • student loans, such as loans from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
  • other loans, even if the loan is from a relative or friend

Documents related to housing

This includes:

  • rent receipts and leases or tenancy agreements
  • mortgage agreements and statements
  • other bills related to housing costs, such as bills for hydro, water, gas, property tax, and home or apartment insurance
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