2. Ask for a reconsideration
Question & Answer
Can I appeal a decision about my CPP retirement pension?Asking for a means having someone at Service Canada, who did not make the original decision, review your application for .
Getting legal help
Asking for a reconsideration can be difficult. Try to get legal help. If you can’t afford a lawyer, a community legal clinic may be able to help.
How to ask
You must ask for a reconsideration in writing, within 90 days of getting the decision from Service Canada. You ask for a reconsideration by either:
- filling out and sending a reconsideration form
- writing a letter
If you write a letter make sure to include the following information:
- your name, address, phone number, and (SIN)
- why you disagree with the decision and want a reconsideration
- any new or extra information that Service Canada does not have that could change their decision
Make sure to sign and date the letter. Then send it to the address on the decision letter that you got from Service Canada.
Even if you don’t have all your supporting documents, it’s best to send your reconsideration request on time. You can send additional documents up to the 90-day deadline.
Making a late request
If you miss the 90-day deadline to ask for a reconsideration, you can still ask. But you also need to ask for an extension of time.
Explain why you could not make your request within the 90 days. And include any information that supports your reasons for being late. Then Service Canada will decide whether or not to accept your late request.
Getting a decision
Service Canada reviews your request for a reconsideration and looks over your application again.
Then, they send you a decision about the reconsideration in the mail. This can take several months.
If Service Canada changes its original decision, your application will go ahead. For example, this means you could:
- start getting CPP retirement benefits
- start getting the amount you thought you should get
- start getting a different amount that Service Canada thinks you should get, for example, an amount lower than you were getting
If Service Canada keeps its original decision and you don’t agree with that decision and their reasons for making it, you can appeal to the (SST). See Step 3.