1. Find out who OW includes in your household

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released their latest take on mandatory vaccines, passports and testing, here: http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/ohrc-policy-statement-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-and-proof-vaccine-certificates. In light of this update, and the new directives that the Province released a few weeks ago, we are in the process of updating our covid testing content. Please re-visit the site to access the updated content when it is available.

Ontario Works (OW) has rules about who they include as part of your household. OW calls this your “benefit unit”.  

They include the and of people in your household when they decide if you qualify financially for OW. 

And if others in your household earn money, their income can affect how much you get.

The people OW may include are:

Children under 18

If a child under 18 lives with you, OW rules say that they’re usually included in your household if you or your spouse is the child’s parent. But their earnings are not included as income and don’t affect how much you get from OW.

Children 18 and older

There are rules about when OW includes a child who is 18 or older in your household.

If an adult child in your household is a full-time student in high school or a post-secondary program:

  • OW does not include their earnings as income
  • their earnings don’t affect how much you get from OW
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