3. Complete the application forms

To complete your sponsorship application, you and your or partner need to:

  • fill out the required forms, and
  • include all the documents that are on the checklist in your application package.

Follow the instructions about how to complete the forms. These instructions are in the basic guide and the checklist that comes with your package. There is also a complete guide with more detailed instructions.

How to submit the forms

Work with your spouse or partner to complete the forms together. You need to agree on the correct information in all the forms that you send in.

There are forms that:

Fill out the forms carefully

If the forms are not completed with all the required information, IRCC will send the application back. They won’t begin to process the application until it’s complete. This is important if you have included a who will turn 22 soon.

Make sure that there are no time gaps in your forms. For example, if IRCC asks for your address history for the last 10 years, include information about all months and years. If you don’t do this, IRCC could return your application to you. 

If something does not apply, write “N/A” or “not applicable”. If you’re not sure about something, say so. If you need more space to explain something, use another sheet of paper and attach it with your application.

IRCC checks any other information they have about you and your spouse or partner, such as information in previous applications. If there are differences, IRCC may investigate. And there’s a risk that you could:

  • lose your status in Canada, and
  • be forced to leave.

If there’s any risk that this could happen, get legal help.

Double check the document checklist to make sure you’ve provided all of the documents. If you don’t include them all, or if your forms are incomplete, IRCC will return your application.

Use a computer if you can

It’s best to use a computer to fill out the forms. Some of the forms have a “validate” button. Clicking on the “validate” button identifies certain errors, for example, if you’ve left blank spaces. This gives you a chance to correct any problems.

If the form is complete, clicking on the “validate” button gives you a barcode page for the form. You need to print the barcode page and the form because the form must be signed before you send it in. Include the barcode page with your application.

If the forms are not completed using a computer or not validated, you need to include a note with your application that explains why.

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