4. Arrive at the Board early on your hearing day
Question & Answer
I’m taking my landlord to the LTB. How do I prepare for my hearing?It’s best to arrive at the Board at least half an hour before your hearing time. This will give you enough time to sign up for or speak with .
Mediators are Board employees who can help you and your landlord talk about the problem and can try to suggest solutions you can both accept. Mediators do not give legal advice and they do not make the decisions.
Tenant Duty Counsel are lawyers and community legal workers who do give legal advice and can help you if you do not have a lawyer or legal worker.
If you are taking public transit, be sure to leave plenty of time to get to the Board location. The Board will not usually accept delays on public transit as an excuse for missing your hearing.
If you can, make sure that you have the whole day free to stay at the Board. Even if your hearing is scheduled in the morning, you might have to stay for the afternoon session.
If you have a telephone or video hearing, try to call in at least 20 minutes before the hearing time so that you can speak with tenant duty counsel before the hearing.
It’s important to be on time for your hearing. If you miss your hearing, the Board will probably decide to you without hearing your side.