1. Stop making the disturbance

If this is the first time in 6 months that your landlord has given you a Form N5, you have 7 days to cancel or “void” it. To cancel the N5, you must stop doing whatever it is that the landlord says is disturbing people.

If the landlord claims you did not stop making the disturbance within the 7 days, the landlord can apply to the Board to you.

If this is not your first N5 in 6 months, you don’t get a chance to void it.

If you aren’t causing the disturbance

If you aren’t causing the disturbance, and it was not caused by anyone in your household or anyone you let into the building, you might not be able to void the . But you might want to write to the landlord to say it is not your fault. Keep a copy of your letter or e-mail.

If your landlord applies to the Board for a hearing, you will have the chance to prove to the Board that you did not cause the disturbance.

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