1. Check for problems with the notice

The Board can dismiss your landlord’s case if there are problems with the Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord, a Purchaser or a Family Member Requires the Rental Unit – Form N12 that your landlord gave you. For example:

  • You did not receive the N12 at least 60 days before the on the (the date your landlord wants you to move out).
  • The date is not the last day of your rental – usually the day before your rent is due.
  • Your is for a fixed (for example, a one-year ) and the termination date is earlier than the last day of the fixed term
  • The N12 does not tell you who wants to move into the rental unit.
  • Your landlord is not an individual (for example, it’s a corporation).
  • The person who wants to move into the unit is not:
    • your landlord,
    • your landlord’s spouse, child, or parent, or their spouse’s child or parent, or
    • a caregiver for your landlord or for one of the above family members.
  • The person who wants to move into your unit does not plan to live there for at least a full year.
  • The notice is for a caregiver to move in but the person they will be taking care of does not live in the same building or group of buildings.
  • The building you live in is owned by a co-operative or group of owners and contains more than 4 units.
  • Your landlord hasn’t paid you at least 1 month’s rent or offered you another unit that is acceptable to you.
N12 notice for landlord’s use
N12 notice for landlord’s use
Check for problems with the eviction notice
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