5. Ask for a review

If the Investigation Services Department decides to close your file, you can ask the Complaints Resolution Commissioner for a review. But if the Complaints & Compliance Department or Intake & Resolution Department decides to close your , you can’t ask for a review.

The Complaints Resolution Commissioner is independent of the other groups. They will review the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) decision. This usually involves meetings with you.

To ask for a review, fill out a Request for Review form. Include copies of any documents you want the Complaint’s Commission to look at. Submit the completed form and attachments online or by email, fax, or mail to:

Complaints Resolution Commissioner
393 University Avenue
Suite 515
Toronto Ontario
M5G 1E6
Telephone: (416) 947-3442
Toll Free Number: 1-866-880-9480 (Ext. 3442)
Fax: (416) 947-5213
E-mail: complaintsreview@lso.ca

You must do this within 60 days of receiving the LSO decision.

After reviewing your complaint, the Complaints Resolution Commissioner can:

  • do nothing if they think the LSO decision was reasonable; or
  • send the complaint back to the LSO and ask them to do something more if they think the decision was not reasonable.

The Complaints Resolution Commissioner cannot:

  • decide if a lawyer or paralegal is guilty of professional misconduct
  • decide if there was professional
  • discipline the lawyer or paralegal
  • give you money or other things to make up for financial losses
  • refund fees or you already paid
  • conduct a new investigation

This decision is final.

For more information, visit the Complaints Resolution Commissioner page.

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