3. Use the Child Support Service

Go to www.ontario.ca/page/set-up-or-update-child-support-online to use the Child Support Service to set up .

When you apply online, you answer some questions that help you decide whether you can use the service.

You have to give information about:

  • you and your partner, including your dates of birth and mailing addresses
  • your children
  • your current child support arrangement
  • other financial support you receive, such as or child benefits
  • your household income if you want to apply for the fee waiver

Get your documents

Make sure you have:

  • your Social Insurance Number or Temporary Tax Number
  • a current mailing address for your partner

If you’re the parent paying support, you need the contact information for the person responsible for payroll at your work. And, if you didn’t file your taxes last year, you also need either:

  • your 3 most recent pay stubs, or
  • the most recent statement of income you got from employment insurance, social assistance, a pension plan, workers compensation, or disability payments.

The service may ask you to fill out, sign, and mail a form that allows Canada Revenue Agency to share the information it has about your income with the service.

Pay the fee

You can pay the $80 fee by credit or debit card.

Make sure the information you have about your partner is correct and up-to-date. If it isn’t, the service won’t be able to process your application and you won’t get your $80 fee back.

For example, if you give a wrong mailing address for your partner and the service gets its letter back, your child support application won’t be processed and you won’t get your money back.

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