2. Get evidence that your partner has more income
There are ways to prove that your partner is not being honest about their income.
You can look for evidence that your partner’s lifestyle does not reflect what they say they make. For example, the value of their car or home may be higher than they can afford on the income they say they earn.
If there is financial disclosure, credit card and bank statements will show how much your partner is actually spending each month and what they buy.
If your partner is self-employed or owns their own business, copies of their financial statements will show the kinds of deductions they make.
You can also hire a private investigator to follow your partner and collect evidence that shows they work on a regular basis.
Working for cash
When you were living together, your partner may have been working for cash and putting the money in a separate bank account. You can try to get copies of those bank statements. Or, you may have copies of old bank statements.
If the cash income was used to pay for renovations to the house or for family vacations, get receipts to prove this. This shows you were able to pay for things that would not have been possible with just the income shown on your tax returns.
Unemployed or underemployed
Your partner may quit their job, take another job at a lower pay, or work part-time even though full-time work is available.
If you think your partner is unemployed or underemployed on purpose, look for employment ads related to their type of work in the newspaper or online. Or, you can ask others in the same type of work about job opportunities that exist. This shows there are opportunities for your partner to work more.