2. Fill out your forms
Question & Answer
How do I file court forms for my family case online?Make sure you have the most up-to-date court forms. All forms can be downloaded as Word documents and some are also available as fillable PDFs.
You can print and fill out the blank forms. You can also fill out the PDF forms on your computer and then print them. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0, or higher, installed on your computer to complete the fillable PDF forms.
You can also use CLEO’s Guided Pathways to Family Court Forms to fill out your court forms. This free online tool asks you questions and puts your answers into the required court forms. When you’re finished, you can save or print your completed forms before filing them online.
You can use Guided Pathways to fill out court forms to:
- apply for a joint or simple divorce
- start a family court case that deals with family law issues such as , , or
- answer an application that deals with family law issues such as child support, spousal support, or dividing property
- go to a family conference, such as a or
- make or respond to a
- your with the court to enforce support
All your court forms must be signed and dated. Check to see if any of them need to be sworn or affirmed. If they do, it means you have to sign the document in front of someone who has the power to supervise an oath or affirmation. For example, a notary public or commissioner for taking affidavits. This person also signs and dates the form. Here’s how you swear an affidavit during COVID-19.
Your court forms and supporting documents must be scanned and saved as PDF documents.
If your documents are not in English or French, you need a certified translation. This must also be scanned and saved as a PDF. You can find a translator through the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario.