2. Fill out your financial statement form
It’s very important that you and your partner share complete and honest information about your financial situation. This includes information about your income, expenses, , and . This is called financial disclosure.
Make sure you read the instructions on how to complete the court form carefully on page 1 of the form.
Form 13
In Form 13, you must give information on the value of your:
- income
- expenses
- property including land, cars, household goods, jewellery, and bank accounts
- money owed to you
- debts such as loans and credit card debts
Form 13.1
In Form 13.1 you must give the value of assets and debts on three different dates:
- The date you and your partner got .
- The “valuation date”: This is usually the date you and your partner separated.
- Today: This date is important because sometimes the court wants to know what has happened to assets or debts since you and your partner separated.
The form can help you with any special rules that apply in your case. For example:
- “Part 6: Property, debts and other liabilities on date of marriage” explains that you should not include the value of a on the date of marriage.
- “Part 7: Excluded property” explains that you should list all excluded property such as gifts or inheritances.
- “Part 9: Calculation of ” explains how to subtract the total value of any excluded property listed in Part 7.