2. Apply to get married and get married
Question & Answer
How do we get married outside of Ontario?Each province, territory, and country has its own rules on how to apply to get and how to actually get married.
In Canada
Check with the government of the province or territory where you plan to get married to see what you need. When you apply to get married, you are usually asked for:
- the date that you plan to marry
- proof that you aren’t already married
- identification
You also have to pay a fee.
To actually get married, you need to find someone who can legally marry you and your partner by performing a marriage ceremony.
Outside Canada
Check the country’s embassy or consulate to see what you need to get married in that country.
You usually need to have a valid Canadian passport.
You might also need to prove that you are not already married. Each country has its own rules about what documents prove that you are not already married. Many countries accept a “Letter of Non-impediment” or “Marriage Search Letter”. This shows that you do not have a marriage registered in Ontario.
You can apply for a Marriage Search Letter online before you leave Ontario. It usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks to get, so it is best to apply for this several months before you plan on getting married. You might have to do other things, like:
- provide a copy of other documents, like a birth certificate
- take a blood test
- pay a fee
Getting married in another country or marrying someone from another country does not make you a citizen of that other country.
To actually get married, you need to find someone who can legally marry you and your partner by performing a marriage ceremony.