2. Wait for decisions about your claim

One of the first and most important decisions your case manager makes is whether your injury is related to your work.

If your case manager decides that your injury is related to your work, there will be other decisions they make. For example, they’ll decide about the types and amount of benefits you get. They can also decide whether or not you can return to work.

When your case manager tells you about the decisions they’re making, ask them to put the decisions in writing.

Keep notes

Every time you talk to someone at the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), they’ll make a note of the conversation and put it into your file. Read about your file in Step 3 below.

It’s a good idea to keep your own notes, as well. Include information like:

  • the date and time of any call you make to the WSIB
  • the name of the person you speak to
  • what you talk about

It’s important to do this because you can any WSIB decision that you don’t agree with.

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