2. Tell the WSIB how much you earn
Question & Answer
What type of benefits can I get from the WSIB?Make sure the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) knows how much you earn so they can pay you for the you didn’t get because of your injury.
These payments are called loss of earnings (LOE) benefits.
When you tell the WSIB about your injury, you also give information about your wages, including all your earnings, such as overtime, shift premiums, and wages from other jobs.
If you miss time from work because of your injury, your employer is supposed to pay your full wages for the first day.
After the first day, if you continue to lose time because of your injury, the WSIB pays you for your lost earnings. However, it is not full pay. It will be 85% of the pay you usually take home after deductions. Your usual pay after deductions may include overtime pay if the overtime you worked was mandatory or regular. Overtime that you do not work on a regular basis may not be included in the calculation.
When LOE benefits stop
You will stop getting loss of earnings (LOE) benefits if you return to work and what you earn is the same or more than before your injury.
You also stop getting LOE benefits if WSIB looks at all of the available jobs that you are both physically able and qualified to do and says it’s possible for you to earn the same or more than before your injury in in one of these jobs.
And the LOE benefits also stop when you turn 65 years old, unless you were 63 or older when you were injured.
If you were age 63 or older when you were injured, you can get LOE benefits for up to 2 years after you were injured.