4. Turn yourself in

What you should do

It’s better to turn yourself in than to wait for the police to pick you up. The courts are more likely to think you’re a responsible person if you turn yourself in. This may improve your chances of being allowed to go back into the community if you have a .

The best time to turn yourself in is before 6:00 am Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. That way if you are held for a hearing, you will be more likely to go to court and have your bail hearing that day.

If you turn yourself in late in the day, you may have to spend the night in before you get a bail hearing. If you turn yourself in on a Friday, you may have to stay in custody over the weekend and have your bail hearing the following Monday. If you turn yourself in on a Monday, the court may be extra busy because of weekend arrests.

What the police must do

After you’ve turned yourself in, within 24 hours the police must either:

  • release you, or
  • take you to a judge or a justice of the peace without unreasonable delay
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