3. Prepare to give evidence

You’ll be interviewed by the accused person’s lawyer. The lawyer will ask about:

  • your personal and financial history
  • your relationship to the accused
  • how you’re able to supervise the accused
  • your understanding of your role and obligations of being a
  • your willingness to report a breach if one occurs

This information will be used when preparing a plan for the accused person. The bail plan will describe how the Crown’s concerns about safely releasing the accused person into the community will be addressed. This includes decisions like:

  • where the accused will live
  • what conditions are reasonable and necessary
  • whether the accused will attend therapy, counseling, or special programs

During the , you may have to give about your relationship with the accused person and your background.  You may be asked about:

  • your ability to supervise the accused person
  • the bail plan for the accused person
  • what you will do if a breach occurs
  • your willingness to report a breach and having the accused go back into

You’ll also have to promise a specific amount of money as security before the accused person will be released.

Bail conditions

If granted bail, the accused person will likely have to follow specific conditions by the court. Bail conditions are used to help supervise and monitor the accused person.

For example, the accused person may:

  • not be allowed to communicate with the or alleged victim
  • not be allowed to communicate with any (s)
  • not be allowed to go within a specific distance of a specific place, person or persons
  • have to live at a specific address
  • have to stay at home during specific hours, usually overnight
  • have to follow the rules of a

You should discuss possible bail conditions with the accused person’s lawyer or running the bail so you understand what will be expected. You can also ask for specific bail conditions that you think will help you supervise the person. 

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