2. Know how long your record will last if you accept diversion

The police and the Crown must keep a record of your diversion. They also keep of a record of all the details of the crime the police believe you committed. This includes things like police notes and photos.

Open records can affect your ability to get a job. They can also affect your ability to travel to other countries. If you are given two similar EJM or informal diversion options, it is often best to choose the option with the shorter access period. This will mean that your record will be erased or sealed sooner.

The length of time your records are open is called the access period. The access period for most youth cases that end in EJM, EJS, or informal diversion is between 2 months and 2 years.

Access periods

Type of diversion

Access period

Police EJM (warning, caution, or program referral)

2 months from the date you accepted the EJM

Crown EJM or informal diversion where charges are except for

2 months from when the charges are withdrawn

Crown EJM or informal diversion where you enter a

6 months from the end of the peace bond

Crown EJM or informal diversion where charges are (This happens less often.)

1 year from when the is stayed


2 years from when you agree to EJS


Your records must eventually be erased or sealed forever. But they will not be erased or sealed just because you turn 18. Until your records are erased or sealed, they are called open records. See Step 5 for information on how to have your record destroyed or sealed.

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