What happens to my ODSP when I turn 65?

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released their latest take on mandatory vaccines, passports and testing, here: http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/ohrc-policy-statement-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-and-proof-vaccine-certificates. In light of this update, and the new directives that the Province released a few weeks ago, we are in the process of updating our covid testing content. Please re-visit the site to access the updated content when it is available.

Long delays for appeal hearings

If you’re appealing a decision made by OW or ODSP in 2020, your appeal hearing may not happen for a long time. People report that they’re getting hearing dates from the that are between 9 and 16 months in the future. We’ll update this information as things change.

Whether you still qualify for from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) once you’re 65 depends on your situation.

If you qualify for an Old Age Security pension

If you qualify for an , you might not qualify financially for ODSP income support.

This is because people who have a low and get the OAS pension can also qualify for the .

And if you get both OAS and GIS, you might qualify for the monthly payment.

The amount you can get from OAS, GIS, and GAINS is usually more than you’d get in income support from ODSP. If you live in subsidized housing, this could mean your rent will go up.  

Spouse’s allowance

If you qualify for OAS and GIS, your spouse or partner may be able to get an Allowance from OAS. The is for people who are 60 to 64 years old.

If you don’t qualify for an OAS pension

If you don’t qualify for an OAS pension, you can continue to get income support from ODSP as long as you qualify financially.

And after the age of 65, you no longer need to prove that you meet ODSP’s definition of a “person with a disability”. So you won’t have any medical reviews.

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