What do health and safety reps and Joint Health and Safety Committee do?

Health and safety representative

If your workplace has between 6 and 19 workers, it must have a health and safety representative. This is someone who you and the other workers choose. They must be a worker, not a manager.

Their role is to deal with safety issues in the workplace. To do this, they:

  • identify safety problems
  • suggest ways your employer can fix the problems
  • inspect the workplace at least once a month

You can speak to them at any time about safety problems or concerns that you have.

Joint Health and Safety Committee

If your workplace has 20 or more workers, it must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee.

This committee must have at least 2 people if the number of workers is less than 49, and at least 4 people if the number of workers is more than 50. One person is chosen by the workers and one is chosen by the employer. The person chosen by the workers is your representative on the Joint Health and Safety Committee.

At least 2 members of a Joint Health and Safety Committee must have certification training. This training teaches them about the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and their responsibilities.

Your representative is there to help make sure that your workplace is safe. Talk to your representative about your safety concerns and if you want to:

  • ask for a change in your job’s safety policies
  • have more training
  • get different equipment
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