What do I need to know when I’m dealing with the WSIB case manager?

The person at the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) who looks after your claim is usually the same person who makes decisions about your claim and what benefits you can get.

This person is called a case manager.

Your case manager may call you and ask you questions about:

  • the report you sent in about your accident,which is called Worker’s Report of Injury/Disease (Form 6)
  • your injuries
  • what you’re currently able to do

You must answer the questions as best you can. It’s important to co-operate with the WSIB. See Step 1 below. Keep notes of all of the conversations you have with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).

In addition to the case manager, you may also hear from other people who work for the WSIB, such as a nurse consultant, a return-to-work co-ordinator, or a work transition specialist.

Getting help if you don’t understand

If you don’t understand what the case manager tells you or writes to you, ask them to explain it in a different way.

If you have difficulty speaking, hearing, or writing for any reason, tell the WSIB about this.  The law says that they have to make sure that you have the help you need to understand what’s happening with your claim. This may include translating into a language that you understand.

When you’ll get a decision

Within 2 weeks, the WSIB should tell you if you they are going to pay you benefits. If your claim is complicated, the WSIB can take 12 weeks or more.

If the decision will take longer than 2 weeks, the case manager should let you know:

  • what’s happening with your claim
  • what the WSIB is doing to make a decision about your injury and your claim for benefits

Having problems with the WSIB

If you have concerns about how the case manager is dealing with your claim, you can contact their manager. See Step 2 below.

If you have concerns about the case manager and the manager, you can contact the Fair Practices Commission. See Step 4 below.

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