Can I be expelled from school?
Being expelled means that you are not allowed to go to school or participate in school activities. You can be expelled from just your school or from all schools in your school board. If you are expelled from all schools, you cannot go back to school until you finish an expelled students program. If you are expelled from just your school, you can go to another school right away..
Your principal cannot expel you. Only the school board trustees can do this. The principal can recommend that the trustees expel you, but the decision is up to the trustees.
Before they decide, the trustees must hold an expulsion hearing. At the hearing, your principal will explain why they think you should be expelled. You will get to say why you don’t think you should be expelled.
Expulsion process
- You are involved in a serious incident at school or at a school activity, or something that negatively affects life at school. For example, you have been repeatedly bullying someone online, telling them that you’re going to beat them up at school. Even though it didn’t happen at school, it would negatively affect life for that other student at school.
- The principal suspends you for up to 20 school days so that they can investigate what happened.
- The principal investigates the incident.
- You attend a suspended students program while the investigation is happening.
- The principal finishes investigating and writes a report about the incident.
- In the report, the principal either recommends that you be expelled or that you not be expelled.
- If the principal recommends that you not be expelled, then you return to your original school. You can appeal the initial suspension to remove it from your student record.
- If the principal recommends that you be expelled, the trustees will schedule an expulsion hearing. You can represent yourself or have a lawyer represent you.
- At the hearing, the trustees give you and the principal a chance to explain why you should or should not be expelled.
- The trustees must make a decision within 20 school days after your original suspension began. If they miss this deadline, they cannot expel you, and you can return to school.
Deadline to appeal is 30 days
If the trustees decide to expel you, you can appeal their decision to the Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB).
You must appeal the decision within 30 days of when the trustees make their decision.