I have problems with a used car from a registered dealer. What can I do?

The law says that first you must try to fix the problem by speaking directly with the dealer. The best way to do this is to write the dealer a letter about the problem with the car and send it to them by registered mail. If that doesn’t work, you can try other options.

The letter should be short, clear, and specific. Ask if they will agree to have the car repaired, or if they will give you a refund on all or part of the purchase price.

The letter should also give a specific date by which you expect to hear back from them.

Filing a complaint against a dealer

If you cannot resolve your problem with the dealer directly, you can file a complaint with the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC).

OMVIC cannot tell a dealer to cancel a contract, return money, or do repairs. Instead, OMVIC works with you and the dealer to find a solution. If you and the dealer cannot come to a solution with OMVIC’s help, you may want to sue the dealer in court.

Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund

If you lost money because you bought a car from a registered dealer, you may be able to get money from the . The fund can give you some or all of your money back, depending on the situation.

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