Ontario Takes Further Action to Protect Vulnerable People from COVID-19

From the Government of Ontario –  To help stop the spread of COVID-19 among the province’s most vulnerable citizens and ensure frontline services can continue to be delivered in priority areas, the Ontario government has issued new temporary emergency orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

“Every day, incredible sacrifices are being made by frontline workers in every region of the province to care for our most vulnerable citizens,” said Premier Doug Ford. “In order to better protect our seniors, people with various abilities, and the homeless population, along with our heroic frontline workers, our government is adopting emergency measures to provide flexibility in a variety of staffing arrangements to help stop the spread of this terrible virus.”

The Emergency Measures issued to further protect vulnerable people during the COVID-19 outbreak include:

  • Restricting retirement home employees from working in more than one retirement home, long-term care home or health care setting, with compliance required by April 22, 2020;
  • Providing Local Health Integration Networks with the ability to direct home care service provider organizations to safely reassign frontline staff to areas where they are most needed, including home and community care settings, long-term care homes, supportive housing, retirement homes and hospitals;
  • Providing municipalities and District Social Service Administration Boards with the flexibility to offer reassignments to certain staff to where there is local need during the outbreak, including child care, by-law enforcement, and public health services.

Read more at: https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/04/ontario-takes-further-action-to-protect-vulnerable-people-from-covid-19.html

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