Notice to the Profession and the Public re Criminal Case Management Appearances and Setting Trial and Preliminary Inquiry Dates (Published July 2, 2020) – Ontario Court of Justice
From the Ontario Court of Justice – This Notice provides a further update regarding court operations in the Ontario Court of Justice, relating to (i) criminal case management appearances; and (ii) setting criminal trial and preliminary inquiry dates.
The Ministry of the Attorney General, which is responsible for courts administration and courthouse facilities, has established an incremental plan to prepare courthouses and courtrooms to facilitate the return to full court operations across Ontario. The Ministry has announced the first phase of the plan (Phase One) will be implemented Monday July 6, 2020, in a limited number of courthouses and courtrooms. The Court has previously announced that criminal trials and preliminary inquiries would resume in those courthouses on July 6, 2020: see Notice to the Profession and the Public re: Resumption of Criminal Trials and Preliminary Hearings in the Ontario Court of Justice as of July 6, 2020.
As part of the return to operations plan, the Ministry is implementing health and safety measures in each courthouse.
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